Statement of Faith
1.We believe in God, the Father, who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
2.We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son, who willingly gave up His life that whosoever believes will be set free from the penalty of sin and was resurrected so the believer will be set free from the bondage and power of sin.
3.We believe in the Holy Spirit who, through all of His gifts and manifestations, enables us to successfully and effectively follow and carry out the plan of God through this ministry.
4.We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, not to be added to or taken away from.
5.We believe that God loves us just as we are, but loves us too much to leave us this way.
The purpose of this ministry is to answer the call to heal broken people by:
1.Introducing them to Jesus Christ as their only hope for freedom from where they find themselves in their bondage to sin.
2.Leading them on their journey of discovering His love by starting them in their faith
walk through belief in Jesus’ finished work on the cross that leads to salvation.
3.Walking with them through the day-to-day discovery of drawing closer to Him through:
a. Prayer
b. Bible reading
c. Learning His voice
d. Fellowship with God’s family members
4.Preparing them to continue their journey in a God-centered, Bible-teaching, Spirit-led
church of their choice.
 Methods for carrying out this purpose include:
1.Teaching the true Word of God as found in the Bible.
2.Christian church services
5.Crusades and revival meetings
7.One-on-one spiritual guidance sessions
8.Providing meals and clothing to the needy
9.Trusting God to provide to enable us to meet the necessary costs.
Any or all contributions that we get will be dedicated to all of the activities above
unless otherwise specified.